TTE Strategy named HIDDEN CHAMPION 2024 /25 in Strategy



While implementing your programs, projects, and initiatives, you want to be able to rely on strong project management that makes sure the project is moving in the right direction. To do so, you need a good project management office (PMO) that drives your projects’ development, ensures sufficient transparency in the project process and identifies bottlenecks early enough to be able to react in a timely manner.

TTE supports you in building an "Activist PMO" that is proactive in managing and coordinating your projects. Activist PMOs follow take enabling approaches rather than a controlling one. They drive change in a positive way through engaging all relevant stakeholders.

Our experienced project managers support your initiatives in planning, implementation and management of all necessary steps. They measure progress and results and ensure that all necessary stakeholders are sufficiently involved.

If projects do not progress, TTE will assist the Activist PMO in solving problems, reflecting upcoming tasks or executing necessary escalation at an early stage. In addition, we offer your employees PMO coaching to ensure a long-term and sustainable transfer of knowledge.

PMO Health-Check

Project success often depends on those managing it. A good project management office (PMO) should take care of rigorously vetting initiatives along the dimensions that drive value: time, progress, and bottom-line impact, as well as having a big picture view of associated risks and interdependencies. Through setting up the necessary escalation mechanisms, providing discussion guidance, and involving the right people early on, a good PMO can lead projects to success, while creating transparency for top management.

As an expert in setting up and running activist PMOs, TTE has developed a PMO Health Check that assesses your organization’s PMO capabilities along four dimensions:

  1. structure & goals,
  2. people & communication,
  3. risks & interdependencies, and
  4. tools & methods.

As a result of this assessment, you will receive a report highlighting improvement areas and suggesting remedial actions. TTE will identify concrete steps for improvement and show your PMO teams where to prioritize.

Contact our PMO health-check experts today!

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TTE Strategy