Read, laughed at, punched! Unfortunately, that's what happens to many strategies. A brilliant future concept for the company is presented - and goes straight into the file folder. This is because the practical implementation of the strategy was not given sufficient consideration. All the effort that went into developing the strategy was not worth it. In contrast, we at TTE Strategy use the "Delivery Interlock". In our new white paper, we show how linking strategy processes with binding implementation measures ensures transformation success.
The term "delivery interlock" may sound complicated, but the idea is actually quite simple. At each step of the strategy development process, it is specifically determined who will tackle the implementation and how. A key success factor here is the co-creation approach: joint strategy development with management teams brings greater clarity and buy-in. What frameworks does TTE Strategy use for strategy development with strong implementation and why is this particularly promising for SMEs? Find out in our new whitepaper "Co-creation as a value driver in strategy development"!
TTE Strategy