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packREPORT May 2022: The most important digitalization aim for companies

Niklaus Wildberger
Niklaus Wildberger


“While it is true that, alongside optimization in production, digital measures for process optimization are among those that have thus far been implemented most often, this still only applies to a minority of companies. And, similarly, only small minorities plan to implement these measures in future.” These are the findings of Niklaus D. Wildberger, Managing Director at TTE Strategy and expert in automation and process digitization, in his article from the current issue of packREPORT, which was published in May 2022.

In it, he deals with the following topic:

On behalf of TTE Strategy, the Allensbach Institute of Public Opinion surveyed 81 companies from the packaging industry in Germany, Austria and Switzerland at senior management level with regard to the digitization of their own company. According to the study, digitization measures to optimize internal processes have so far been implemented or planned by less than half of the companies.

“Even if you add up implemented measures and planning – according to this survey, only just under half of the companies in the packaging industry are putting their faith in digitization. For the other half, this will develop into a major competitive disadvantage,” says Niklaus D. Wildberger.

The study also shows that the companies that have already taken the first steps towards digitization are satisfied. In the automation of recurring tasks, the implementation of AI tools in reporting, and automated personnel planning in particular, the implemented digitization measures have already proven themselves. Nevertheless, there are also areas where companies are less satisfied with the measures introduced. You can discover where the deficits can be found and what the possible reasons for them are in the full report.

“The world is turning ever faster. The packaging industry is already somewhat late to the party. If you don’t gain initial experience now, you will struggle to make up for this lack of expertise later,” concludes Niklaus D. Wildberger. For faster results in your digitization process, we have developed special transformation programs with which we ensure that your digital measures have maximum effect on sales and the results of your digital initiatives.

The full article can be found in the May 2022 packREPORT print edition. 

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