TTE Strategy named HIDDEN CHAMPION 2024 /25 in Strategy

TTE Strategy honored with the Top Consultant award by Professor Dr. Dietmar Fink

Lars Linnekogel
Lars Linnekogel

The WGMB (Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Management und Beratung) by Professor Dr. Dietmar Fink accepted TTE Strategy into this year’s circle of winners of the Top Consultant award. Following the award from WirtschaftsWoche in 2020 (#1 Strategy, #2 Operations), the Hamburg-based consultancy received the second significant award within twelve months for the quality of its consulting services.

 TTE Strategy was distinguished with the grades A+ and A in the categories expertise (A), reliability (A+), connectivity (A), and satisfaction (A+). All in all, TTE Strategy was able to achieve 827 points of a possible 900 points. The evaluation was determined based on interviews with clients, who Professor Fink and his team intensively questioned regarding the quality of TTE Strategy. Afterwards, the results were compared with the results gained from competing companies.

Statements made by clients during the interviews:

“Tailored approach”

“Fresh ways of thinking”

“Agile working and thinking take center stage”

“Maximum commitment”

“Integrity of consultation is impressive”

“Genuine and honest”

“Plenty of humor”

A total of 55 companies were awarded grade A or better. In relation to the overall market, this is just 0.2 percent of the consultancies in Germany, according to the latest estimation by the statisticians at Statista (consultancies in Germany: 25,000).

“We are all very proud of yet another award,” says Lars Linnekogel, Founder and CEO of TTE Strategy. “Especially the excellent evaluation in the ‘satisfaction’ category is very important to us. Because this is what truly counts: Results that satisfy. In line with our motto ‘Creating Results Together.’ And the good grades when it comes to appearance and connectivity showcase to us that our consultancy approach is appreciated. Even when the issues are very difficult, we continuously value fairness within the process. We take along our clients’ management and employees on the journey through the growth phase just as much as on that of an entirely new strategy. Together, because of the better results. This is our TTE DNA.”

Lars Linnekogel goes on to add: “Thanks to all those who work with us, work for us, and with whom we have the privilege of working. We take a step forward together each and every day. Thank you.”

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TTE Strategy